MdW Fair Call for Proposals and Participation

Tritriangle has been invited to participate in the upcoming MdW Fair, ( a gathering of alternative spaces and artist collectives from several midwestern states. It will happen at Mana Contemporary September 9-11.
In their attempt to be as inclusive as possible MdW Fair has been running behind in their planning and just let us know we’ve been invited to participate this week. We are optimistic we can secure participation in this short time frame from some of our favorite artists! Join us!
We’re looking for artists to exhibit in our 10’x10’ floor space. We’re looking for independent live media project proposals that can work in this framework. We are not sure how our space works exactly yet but I think it is an open floor plot, so live performance, freestanding sound and media installation, or other spatially amorphous intrigue is particularly appropriate at this stage. We may be able to activate a floor AND a ceiling.. who knows? Please send proposals to We are open to submissions using our Hypercube Stereo 16 channel sound system as well.
We are also inviting YOU to bring a small audio playback device (battery preferred but wall powered possible) to playback in a living collage at intervals tbd. It is likely we will set aside a time and invite anyone to turn devices on or off as they choose. Please email with intent to participate and/or any questions.
We are also waiting to hear about how timed live event programming might work out. So usual for all of us who work outside the realm of capital interests and we appreciate everyone’s flex. Please send any interest in stage type performances during that time frame to and we will keep you apprised.