October 22, 2022 – TTTen YYYears of TTriTriangle

∆∆∆ Tritriangle launched on October 20, 2012. We’re still here after ten years and a global pandemic. Come hang out with us to celebrate and experience some performances by friends and compatriots of the space. We’re part of a legacy including Enemy (2004-12), and Plasticene lasting more than 30 years.


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∆ Rush Falknor
further exploration of the Sonic Crystalline Maximal Matrix through burstfire alleyway angelwave ::
rushfalknor.bandcamp.com / clinquantpudendum.bandcamp.com/music

∆ Kyle Gregory Price is a Chicago based composer, percussionist, turntablist and electronic musician. He has performed at venues such as the Art Institute of Chicago, Museum of Contemporary Art and Millennium Park. He has played with free-jazz, new-music and experimental musicians and dancers ranging from the Merce Cunningham Dance Troupe to Third Coast Percussion. He also makes jewelry and stop-motion animations.
kylegregoryprice.com / theluckytrikes.com

∆ Eric Leonardson
Eric Leonardson, a Chicago-based audio artist, serves as co-founder and President of both the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology and the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology. He is Associate Professor Adjunct in the Department of Sound at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). As a performer, composer, and sound designer, Leonardson created sound with the Chicago based physical theater company Plasticene (1995–2012). Leonardson served as a co-founder of the World Listening Project and, since 2008, as its president and board chair from 2015 until 2021. Since 1994, he performs locally and internationally with the Springboard, a self-built instrument made in 1994 and often presents on acoustic ecology to new audiences.

∆ Études for Synthesizer
Nathanael Jones is a Canadian writer and artist born in Montreal and currently based in Chicago, USA. His practice is interested in probing the spaces between poetry, performance, installation, and experimental music in order to draw attention to the structures and systems which make up our world. He holds a BFA from NSCAD University and an MFA from SAIC. He has performed and exhibited at the Chicago Cultural Center, Experimental Sound Studio, Tritriangle, Sector 2337, Sullivan Galleries, Elastic Arts, Anna Leonowens Gallery, Khyber Centre for the Arts, 062 Gallery, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Archer Beach Haus, and Averill and Bernard Leviton Gallery. His work has been published online and in print with Aurochs, DREGINALD, Infinity’s Kitchen, Parallax (Singing Saw Press), Damask Press, HAIR CLUB, Ghost Proposal, Present Tense Pamphlets, Funny Looking Dog Quarterly, and is forthcoming from Partial Press.

∆ MIROVAYA LINIYA (WORLD LINE) is a collaborative new audio-visual project with Gerald Donald (Detroit/Germany) aka Heirich Mueller of Dopplereffekt, Drexciya, Arpanet (et al) and filmmaker/writer Julia Pello. WORLD LINE is “the path that an object traces in 4-dimensional spacetime. It is an important concept in modern physics, and particularly theoretical physics.” (wikipedia)
mirovayaliniya.bandcamp.com / discogs.com/artist/202454-Gerald-Donald / vimeo.com/juliapello

∆ Ryan ⊥ Dunn
Ryan ⊥ Dunn is a media and performance artist considering the implications and manipulation of mediation and communication. He is invested in open culture, expanded field interventions, and the primacy of experience as product. His practice is inherently collaborative, redefining the roles of creativity and pedagogy as both inexorably intertwined and problematically so. Risk and surprise in everyday life.
liscentric.com is decaying

∆ more???

Masks required. Please stay home if you’re sick.
This is our home, please be respectful.

Saturday, October 22, 2022
4p— hang, 8:00p performances

Any suggested donation. Come join us. Any amount you want to give supports whatever moves we can/will make into the future. Our programming strives to be open to all but we want to be able to be sustainable as much as possible. We are purposefully terrible at asking for your support but that doesn’t mean we don’t need it! Help however you can. That also means we are happy to accept your help in whatever form (all of the work done to run the space is volunteered).

Our home is threatened by the business minded art spaces in the building who want to gentrify the building in an absurd bid to assert control over a history of community driven arts. A $9mil bid has been made by Equity Arts (Heaven Gallery, LVL3, and a bevy of realtors), an amount 50% higher than any developer has offered. Luckily we do not believe they can raise that amount, but the threat still looms. They have asserted firmly, in writing, that their plan is to kick Tritriangle and our neigbor NoNation out of the building, despite their stated goal to prevent displacement of the arts. Join us in continued resilience.


1550 N Milwaukee Ave Fl3
Chicago, IL 60622

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