Performance \\ Tritriangle, 1550 N. Milwaukee Ave. 3rd Floor \\ 7:30-9:30 PM; Performance begins promptly at 7:30 PM
An Interview is a single, linear performance, consisting of an indeterminate number of interlocking one-hour segments, each made up of the performed transcript of a prior interview and a new extemporaneous interview between two participants — the performer who conducted the interview in the previous segment and a new performer, who interviews the returning performer during the second half of the performance. An Interview commenced with a unique half hour segment presented at Tritriangle on 14 October 2016 in which Ira S. Murfin, the artist instigating the work, was interviewed by a second performer, Heather McShane, for 30 minutes. In this, the first full one-hour segment, Murfin will not appear as a performer. Instead McShane will be joined by a new performer, Nathanael Lee Jones. McShane and Jones will sit across a table from one another and read, verbatim, the transcribed text of the earlier interview. Once the transcript has been read, Jones will interview McShane for one half hour on any subject(s) of his choosing. This segment of An Interview will be preceded by McShane presenting her own work, and it will be followed by Jones’s Three Long Lists with Kate R Morris, Jess Saldana, and Beth McDonald.