Hypercube Stereo: shaken by sorrow to its inmost depths by Lindsey french
1pm, Formal Garden Pavilion at Humboldt Park, Chicago, IL — the work will begin playing at 1pm and will continue until battery power is depleted (likely in 2-3 hours).
Alexander von Humboldt, for whom Humboldt Park is named, is often credited with being the first western explorer to describe the role that humans play in altering and changing the climate, and one of the first to formalize climates into distinct zones based on atmospheric temperature. As a naturalist and explorer, Humboldt developed his observations from colonial and imperialist practices of exploration and mapping. In Hungry Listening, Dylan Robinson reminds us of the western listening practices as settler-colonial modes of listening. This piece—which takes its title from Humboldt’s treatise, Cosmos: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe—considers the role of listening to landscape amidst layers of colonial noise. Using one of Humboldt’s early maps as a formal reference, the piece is constructed as a series of sonic layers that articulate a landscape geologically and atmospherically amidst white noise. A series of white noise recordings function both to establish a sonic space in the center of the park, as well as to direct listeners to move closer to the areas of field recordings, as well as the sounds of the park itself, for a more direct and intimate listening experience.
Lindsey french (https://lindseyfrench.com/) is an artist whose plant-oriented work takes many forms, including texts written in collaboration with trees, scent transmissions, and videos made for plant perception. Drawing from media studies, olfaction, botany, field recording practices, and ecology, her research-based practice engages with multi-sensory and multi-species signaling to consider positions of listening, receptivity, and marginality as valid and active political and communicative positions.
Lindsey french previously showed Displaced Forest at Tritriangle in 2014 and we are very excited to work with her again for our first Hypercube Stereo!
Read more about the Hypercube Stereo series, including how to submit a proposal, here: https://tritriangle.net/hypercube-stereo-open-call-for-public-16-channel-sound-works/